Tag Archives: Club Penguin Glitches

Club Penguin Times News, Issue#137

It’s Club Penguin Newspaper Time and here are the highlights of what’s happening around CP island and a list of upcoming events. There’s not really a lot going on at the moment but then again, it’s almost the end of the month.

Upcoming Event 137


 Writing Contest Winners

The writing contest winners have been chosen. Congratulations to Lollipop’s10, Sammysays, and Chochypop for their outstanding work. I can’t wait to read their prize entry. The stories will be available for reading on Friday, May 30th at the Book Room.

CP Writing Winners CP Writing Winner 2
CP Writing Winner 3


Igloo Contest Winner Announcement

Here they are the winners of Club Penguin’s Igloo Contest. The igloos were quite impressive. The top 10 winners each receive 25,000 coins. There are also 20 runner-ups…these winners will also receive 15,000 coins.

igloo contest winners

*Click on the thumbnails below for a full-view of each igloo*

ajpipek cashmeres cycle22 ddwaddles doughnut333 flyboy101 mazuru georges8899 puffinnboo snoflako04039


Here is a completed picture of the Puzzle Shuffle game in Club Penguin Times News.

puzzle shuffle


Club Penguin Fun

I guess that ends my posting for today. It’s been a super late night and I have a killer headache. To conclude my posting, I’m sharing some fun times around the cove campfire with friends and sharing ghost stories.

Ghost Story Around The Fire

Telling Ghost Stories


Until then, keep on having lotsa’ Penguin Fun,
Posh (Monkeypod44)


Filed under Club Penguin, Club Penguin Cheats, Club Penguin fansite, Club Penguin News, Club Penguin Secrets, Club Penguin Tips, Home, Secrets & Tips

Club Penguin Server Tester Reward & New Wall Paper


*If you prefer to read the entire information yourself, click on the CPIP logo above.*

For those of you who participated in Club Penguin’s test server project in March, a reward will be given to you shortly. According to Club Penguin, a new item will be added to your inventory on Friday, May 30th. Club Penguin had high hopes of delivering the reward via Penguin Mail but will not be able to due to technical problems that needs to be corrected. Unfortunately, this is also the same situation with the new log-in and player card. But don’t fret, once all the problems are corrected…they will all be introduced before you know it.

In the meantime…with the end of the Medieval Party, Club Penguin has added a new wallpaper to their inventory as a rememberance. I may say, it’s actually quite eye catching…


Sad as it may be to see this great party come to an end…there are still new additions and surprises coming up. We just have to be patient and keep our eyes and ears open. I’ll definitely try my best to keep the news updated here.


~Posh (Monkeypod44)~

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Filed under Club Penguin, Club Penguin Cheats, Club Penguin fansite, Club Penguin News, Club Penguin Secrets, Club Penguin Tips, Home, Secrets & Tips

Club Penguin Furniture & Pet Furniture Catalog

The New Club Penguin Furniture Catalog has been released boasting the Medieval theme. The first four pages of the furniture catalog shows the newly released furniture items. See below…

*Do you wish to see the entire catalog? Click on the picture below or on my furniture widget*

New Furniture Catalog

New Furniture Catalog


The images below show the hidden items found in the furniture catalog:

1) Coffee Shop Tree (400 coins)- Click on large house plant.
Hidden-Coffee Shop Tree

2) Inflatable Dragon (190)-Click on Pink Castle Window
Hidden-Inflatable Dragon

3) Cake (100 coins)-Click on Kitchen Sink

4) Palm Tree (450 coins)-Click on Ficus Plant
Hidden-Palm Tree

5) Plus Gray Chair (560 coins)-Click on vase
Hidden-Plush Gray Chair

Also, don’t forget to stock up on the clearance furniture items as they will no longer be available once the next catalog is brought in.

These are not new items but I figured for those that are still not aware of it, these secret igloos can be found in the igloo catalog. It’s an easy change from the usual igloo styles found in the catalog.

Stone Igloo

Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo


The New Pet Furniture Catalog has also been realeased. Treat your pets to a new home or toy. Shown below are the new pet items added to the pet furniture inventory:

The secret item is a grey house for your pet: Click on the brown spot (circled red) below:

Hidden Item-Grey House

*Click on the image below for a full view of the pet furniture catalog or check out my widget to the side*

New Puffle Furniture

That concludes my posting for today. Have fun decorating your igloos and I hope you all participate in Club Penguin’s Igloo decorating contestEnjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!


Until then, keep on having lotsa’ Penguin Fun,
Posh (Monkeypod44)

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Club Penguin Puffle and Medieval Party Fun

Well, the Medieval Party is almost coming to an end. The last day to enjoy all the fun is on Wednesday, May 21st. This is just a little information I wanted to share with you and besides I was getting bored with old postings. Anyways, I’m not the type to notice details around Club Penguin but the puffle in the secret room hiding inside the tree hole changes colors…if you wave your mouse over the tree hole a puffle comes out. Do it numerous times and it always comes out in different colors. See below…
Yellow Puffle Red Puffle Pink Puffle Green Puffle Black Puffle

I also wanted to share the fun times that we have on Club Penguin during the Medieval Party. Actually, we have fun period…party or not. I wanted to share these with you awesome penguins…

Spits on Penguin Elmo

All Smilies Tea with Friends

Atop the beacon Relief

I guess that completes my posting for now. Stay tuned for more page updates…my swf files is taking longer than I expected.

Until then, keep on having lotsa Penguin Fun,
Posh (Monkeypod44)


Filed under Club Penguin, Club Penguin Cheats, Club Penguin fansite, Club Penguin News, Club Penguin Tips, Home

Club Penguin Pins Page Update

 I have updated the Club Penguin Pins Page. It is an up-to-date database of all the pins ever issued by Club Penguin. This page will also include all the free items issued (currently being updated). In the meantime, enjoy my listing and inform me of any missing pins.

~Posh (Monkeypod44)~

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