Tag Archives: clup penguin test server project

Club Penguin Server Tester Reward & New Wall Paper


*If you prefer to read the entire information yourself, click on the CPIP logo above.*

For those of you who participated in Club Penguin’s test server project in March, a reward will be given to you shortly. According to Club Penguin, a new item will be added to your inventory on Friday, May 30th. Club Penguin had high hopes of delivering the reward via Penguin Mail but will not be able to due to technical problems that needs to be corrected. Unfortunately, this is also the same situation with the new log-in and player card. But don’t fret, once all the problems are corrected…they will all be introduced before you know it.

In the meantime…with the end of the Medieval Party, Club Penguin has added a new wallpaper to their inventory as a rememberance. I may say, it’s actually quite eye catching…


Sad as it may be to see this great party come to an end…there are still new additions and surprises coming up. We just have to be patient and keep our eyes and ears open. I’ll definitely try my best to keep the news updated here.


~Posh (Monkeypod44)~

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